Installation Guide
What You'll Need
Are you installing an open roll or valance shade?

Select a channel 1-15 you wish to pair your shade to by pressing + or - to change channels.
Press the button on the motor (a pen or screw helps) to enable pairing. Shade will beep.
Hold the middle (stop) button on the remote to pair. Shade will move slightly to confirm it is paired to that channel.
Open the Automate Pulse 2 App. Follow the instructions to setup a new hub. You can either setup the shade with an already paired remote or directly to the hub.

Know what you are drilling into:
Your provided silver screws can drill into wood, drywall and plaster. Be sure to use anchors for drywall and plaster. The blue screws are for concrete and masonry and do not require anchors.
Mark where your brackets will go:
Measure and mark the distance of the shade between your brackets. This is crucial especially if you are not going into a window frame and your brackets need to be the exact length apart of your shade.

The important part is to know what you are drilling into and use the correct screws.
Drill in the screws using a drill-bit extender for easier access. Ensure the brackets are facing each other as shown.
Important note: Hire a professional if you are uncomfortable using a drill.

First, hang the motor end on the bracket that has the 2 prongs into one bracket. Then push the pinend side into the other bracket so it clicks into place and is now hung.
Now, add your silver bracket caps onto the brackets for a clean finish.

Test your shades direction. If moving the wrong way, then hold up and down at the same time. It will reverse direction.
Your shade won't move correctly until you set your future top and bottom positions for your new shade.
To set your top limit position: Move your shade to your desired top position by clicking up or down. Hold UP and STOP. Shade will beep. Your top position is set.
To set your bottom position: Move your shade down to your bottom position by holding the down botton. Press stop when close to the bottom, then click the down botton until you achieve your desired down position. Hold down and stop once you have reached your position. Shade will beep to confirm.
Shade exits pairing mode after these limits are set and you are ready to roll!

Select a channel 1-15 you wish to pair your shade to by pressing + or - to change channels.
Press the button on the motor shown (a pen or screw helps) to enable pairing. Shade will beep.
Hold the middle (stop) button on the remote to pair. Shade will move slightly to confirm it is now paired to that channel.
Open the Automate Pulse 2 App. Follow the instructions to setup a new hub. You can either setup the shade with an already paired remote or directly to the hub.

Know what you are drilling into:
The provided silver screws are for wood, sheet metal, and drywall. Use anchors if you are going into drywall with no stud behind it.
The blue screws are for concrete or brick and do not require anchors.
Mark where your brackets will go:
They should be 3-6" in from the end of your shade.

Ensure the spring-loaded side faces you. It should look as pictured.
Drill in the brackets a few inches in from the end of the shade using the appropriate screw.
Important note: Hire a professional if you are uncomfortable using a drill.

Press the bracket into the valance rail closest to you. Apply pressure so the spring-loaded bracket presses in.
While applying pressure, hook the back part of the valance rail up and into the back of the bracket. The bracket will release without pressure to secure the bracket into the valance railing.

Test your shades direction. If moving the wrong way, then hold up and down at the same time. It will reverse direction.
Your shade won't move correctly until you set your future top and bottom positions for your new shade.
To set your top limit position: Move your shade to your desired top position by clicking up or down. Hold UP and STOP. Shade will beep. Your top position is set.
To set your bottom position: Move your shade down by HOLDING the DOWN button.
Press STOP when shade gets near the desired bottom position.
CLICK DOWN button until you achieve your desired position.
HOLD DOWN and STOP at the same time to lock in your bottom position. Shade will beep to confirm.
Shade exits pairing mode after these positions are set and you are ready to roll!
If you're drilling into wood, use the silver screws.
If you're drilling into plaster, you have two options:
1) Use a stud finder to locate the wall studs.
2) Use a provided anchor and then the silver screws, which will help secure your blind to plaster.
If you're drilling into concrete, stone, brick or tile, use a Masonry drill and appropriate blue concrete screws.
If you're just not sure, email or chat with us for help!
Test the material by drilling into the wall or ceiling with a screw. If it screws in securely with your drywall screw then it is wood; if it doesn't hold then it is likely plaster and you'll need anchors. If it is concrete, you'll see some gray dust and you'll need to use the blue concrete screws. If it is sheet metal then it won't pierce and show bits of metal, then you'll need to use the silver screws.
You'll see a small button at the head of the motor under the charging cable. You may need a screw, pencil, or other pointed object to press it in. Once you press it then the motor will move the shade to tell you it's listening to your command. Hold the stop button down until it connects.